Quaking Aspen (Bundle of 25)
Size: 2-3' / Age: 1-0 / Growth Rate: more than 2 feet per year.
The Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides) is a medium-sized deciduous tree known for its striking white bark and the way its leaves flutter in the wind, creating a quaking effect. It typically grows 40-60 feet tall, though some individuals can reach up to 80 feet. The tree has a slender trunk with smooth, pale white or grayish bark, often marked with dark knots and horizontal scars. This bark turns more grayish with age and can develop blackish knots or blemishes. The leaves of the quaking aspen are oval or rounded with finely serrated edges. They are bright green in the summer, turning vibrant yellow in the fall. The tree releases small, cottony seeds that are dispersed by wind, often creating a carpet of seedlings underneath the parent tree. Aspens often grow in clusters, as they reproduce by sending up new shoots from their root system, forming clonal groves that can live for centuries. The quaking aspen thrives in a variety of soil types, including well-drained, moist soils, and is commonly found in forested areas and in riparian zones. Quaking aspen also plays an important ecological role, providing habitat for birds, mammals, and insects.