
White Pine (Bundle of 25)



Size: 7-15 / Age: 2-2 / Growth Rate: 2-3 feet per year, once established. The White Pine (Pinus strobus), is a tall, majestic evergreen tree native to eastern North America. It is one of the largest and most iconic pine species, capable of growing 50-80 feet tall. The tree has a straight trunk with horizontal branches arranged in whorls, forming a broad, conical crown that becomes more irregular with age. The needles are 2-5 inches long and emit a fresh, piney scent when crushed. White pine produces long, cylindrical cones that release seeds that are a food source for wildlife, including birds and squirrels.The bark of young trees is smooth and gray-green but becomes darker and deeply furrowed as the tree matures. White pine thrives in well-drained, slightly acidic soils and grows best in full sun, although it can tolerate partial shade. It is prized for its rapid growth, adaptability, and utility in landscaping, timber production, and windbreaks.