
Bird and Butterfly Mix 1000 sq. ft.



Our showiest Mix! This super-diversity bland of wildflowers and short native grasses showcases the color and beauty of native plants. Excellent for pollinator conservation as well as attracting butterflies and songbirds. This mix can also be planted on the well-drained upper slopes or berms of stormwater ponds and detention basins. Wildflowers: Lavender Hyssop, Nodding Onion, Leadplant, Thimbleweed, Wild Columbine, Marsh (Red) Milkweed, Common Milkweed, Butterfly Weed, Sky-Blue Aster, New England Aster, Arrow-Leaved Aster, Canada Milk Vetch, Blue Wild Indigo, Partridge Pea, Lance Leaved Coreopsis, Prairie Coreopsis, White Prairie Clover, Purple Prairie Clover, Pale Purple Coneflower, Purple Coneflower, Rattlesnake Master, Spotted Joe Pye Weed, Saw-Tooth Sunflower, Early Sunflower, False Boneset, Rough Blazing Star, Prairie Blazing Star, Cardinal Flower, Great Blue Lobelia, Wild Lupine, Wild Bergamot, Foxglove Beard Tongue, Obedient Plant, Yellow Coneflower, Prairie Wild Rose, Black-Eyed Susan, Sweet Black-Eyed Susan, Brown Eyed Susan, Royal Catchfly, Compass Plant, Stiff Goldenrod, Showy Goldenrod, Ohio Spiderwort, Hoary Vervain, Ironweed, Culver's Root, Golden Alexanders Grasses, Sedges & Rushes: Side Oats Grama, Prairie Brome, Canada Wild Rye, June Grass, Little Bluestem, Prairie Dropseed