
Shortgrass Prairie 1000 sq. ft.



This favorite shortgrass mix contains many Asters and Coneflowers that provide showy summer and fall colors! Enjoy the unobstructed view as these wildflowers bloom above shorter grasses. Wildflowers: Nodding Onion, Leadplant, Butterfly Weed, Sky-Blue Aster, Smooth Blue Aster, New England Aster, Partridge Pea, Prairie Coreopsis, White Prairie Clover, Purple Prairie Clover, Pale Purple Coneflower, Purple Coneflower, Rattlesnake Master, Early Sunflower, Prairie Blazing Star, Wild Bergamot, Smooth Penstemon, Prairie Cinquefoil, Mountain Mint, Yellow Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan, Sweet Black-Eyed Susan, Compass Plant, Showy Goldenrod, Ohio Spiderwort, Culver's Root Grasses, Sedges & Rushes: Side Oats Grama, Copper-Shouldered Oval Sedge, Canada Wild Rye, Virginia Wild Rye, June Grass, Little Bluestem