Floodplain Mix 1/4 acre
Flood plains provide natural flood and erosion control on our waterways while supporting fish and wildlife habitat.
This seed mix is perfect for establishing native vegetation in low-lying areas that are adjacent to rivers and streams. These sites are prone to seasonal flooding but are typically dry throughout most of the year. This mix does best in sites with full sun to partial shade.
Wildflowers: Common Water Plantain, Marsh (Red) Milkweed, New England Aster, Red-Stemmed Aster, Spotted Joe Pye Weed, Boneset, Sneezeweed, Saw-Tooth Sunflower, Marsh Blazing Star, Cardinal Flower, Great Blue Lobelia, Mountain Mint, Wild Golden Glow, Cup Plant, Riddell's Goldenrod, Blue Vervain, Ironweed, Golden Alexanders
Grasses, Sedges & Rushes: Fringed Brome, Brown Fox Sedge, River Bank Wild Rye, Virginia Wild Rye, Reed Manna Grass, Rice Cut Grass, Dark-Green Bulrush, Wool Grass, River Bulrush, Soft-Stem Bulrush, Prairie Cord Grass